
Unit 2A Acid and Base (酸和鹽基)
1.        Concentrated H2SO4is corrosive since it will dehtdrate our skin and damage our skin by oxidation.

(1997 Q39)

2.        Strength of acid depend on its degree of dissociation into ion but not its concentration.
(1996 Q49)

3.        All the oxide, hydroixde, carbonate are insoluble except group I element such as Na2O, K2O, Li2O as well as NH4+

例如Na2O, K2O, Li2O NH4+

4.        HNO3 has rather low boiling point around 90. So HNO3 is volatile.
Also nitric acid react with metal by redox reation but not typical acid reaction. 
2HNO3 + 2H+ + Zn NO2 + H2O + Zn2+
As you can see from the equation, NO2 instead of H2 is produced in the reaction.

HNO3 的沸點大約在90℃,所以它是揮發性的。HNO3也會和金屬反應,不過是氧化還原反應,而非一般酸和金屬的反應。從上面的方程式可見,NO2 在反應中產生了,而非H2

(Others coming soon =) )

